Giving Up

by Marilyn Villafuerte - Vega
(Avondale , PA )

I'm moving on
By; Marilyn

I honestly miss you ….

I do not have the confidence to tell you so, because you would not care …

I think I know who you like, I just cannot say who she is. I may look happy in front of you but I am truly not, I am not at all. I have not talked to you in days; I just think I am not good enough for you.

I miss you so much, I have never loved someone this much, it is indescribable.

When I said I love you or “te amo” I actually meant it …you didn’t cause you are a big flirt , we fought once , but I was that stupid to fall for you again, I could not resist it no longer I missed you.

So here I ‘am again I fell back in your arms , I’m always wanting to let go and just move on but it’s too difficult your 1 of billions of people in the world and I still choose you, funny right?

Those talks we use to have I miss them. I think we will never have those cute conversations no longer, you know why? Because I am not good enough that is why, you made me feel amazing but I no longer feel that way.

You ruined my life! I hate you! I just regret talking to you in that way, I am done with you. This was a total waste of time; sometimes you just have to give up right?

Well I'm not, my life goes on someone out there is crazy for me.

Just thank you, I thank you for leading me to this, you just proved it, you proved that I did not need you.

I just need to take a step and be positive.

I just did.

- Marilyn

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Quotes about Her


As time passes by, days become weeks, weeks become months, months become years, everything that I once know is changing, but somehow, deep inside, there is still a part of me that is unwilling to let go, to move on, just because the idea of holding you close to me, to call you mine, would be the best days of my life.

Though it is now far from possible, I will still hold on to the memories that I once had with you, not because I can't forget you, but because I know that you will always be a part of me.

- Anonymous

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The Good Cry

by Jason Owens
(Rockford, IL)

"Tears of joy are those that are shed one last time
after learning that the sadness of an event or time has finally ended."

- Jason Owens

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Move on

by Samantha

"Be like a snail, just leave your shell behind and just move on."

-Samantha Barreiro

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Lost Relation

by kulz

I asked myself..what was between me and him and accidentally the tea spilled..and then I got the answer..he was just the spilled tea of my life..

- kulz

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