Visitor Submitted Quotes
about Spirituality and Humanity

by Dr Dipak Kumar Pramaniik
(Kolkata,West Bengal, India)

"Among various measures God-the-Preceptor expresses himself in the body as an unknown man as one of the measure. ‘Unknown man’ means the human form of God-the-Preceptor whom you did not see before; but afterwards you will be coming to know everything about him."

- Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
(Sent in by Dr Dipak Kumar Pramaniik)

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Behavioural Similarity

by Anuj Somany

"The degree to which a person reflects or relates himself with his cherished guru in life measures the proportion of the personality traits, attributes and behavioral similarities that summarily exist between them
on good and bad value terms equally."

~ Anuj Somany

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by Anuj Somany

"The surrounding environment is the best erudite master to teach us the fundamental laws of nature and the basics of living."

~ Anuj Somany

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The spontaneous revelation of Self in a human body

by Dr Dipak Kumar Pramaniik
(Kolkata,West Bengal, India)

"The yogic individualism and Universalism are based on the Rajyoga
and this Rajyoga comes spontaneously in a man’s life
and can never be cultivated or to be obtained by culture."

- Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

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Sustainability and Unselfishness

by Anuj Somany

"Everyone makes a difference.
Someone who does something for others makes a big and good difference.
A person who has no self-interest
to do things for others makes a bigger and better difference.
But, one who does everything for everyone
for the sake of humanity without vested interest
makes the biggest real difference for the best sustainability."

- Anuj Somany

"Unselfish service to mankind
is magistically and mysteriously miraculous in nature and character
to give the doer a positive motivation and inspiration."

- Anuj Somany

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by Chanda Kaushik
(Noida, India)

"We came into this world with questions
and we'll leave this world with questions."

- Chanda Kaushik

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Quotes on Truth of Human Life

by Dr Dipak Kumar Pramaniik
(Kolkata,West Bengal, India)

"The main object of human life is to achieve God.
So he is born. Unless he achieves that, he feels a lacking.
But he cannot understand what is that lacking
and so he runs from one sacred place to another
without knowing that God is within his body
and He is the nearest one, the best friend.
Whenever he gets Him within his body, all his lacking will be removed."

- Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

"How do I recognize a real saint?
Whom I shall see within me
whether it is in dreams or trances or meditations,
He will be the Saint to me.
Because God is the only Saint in this world.
He is within our bodies.
When He will manifest within my body in the form of a person,
he will be saint to me."

- Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

"God, with the help of yoga,
through gradual enfoldment and transformations
is seen within the human body as Bliss
and then again through yogas that Bliss being concentrated
takes the form of a person and teaches the seer yogas."

- Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

"Every human being has the birth right to become God,
though it should be manifested.
To see God means to become God.
A man is converted into God,
though His manifestation varies
according to necessities in different eras."

- Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

"There is no room for two in the seventh plane.
Two does not exist. Only one exists and that one is God.
From one comes two and many."

- Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

"This is the primordial religion –
a human body and the manifestation of God within it.
How does it happen? It occurs spontaneously.
For this only a human body is necessary and that should be flawless.
Wherever it is available on earth, this will manifest, let him be a fin, or Lap."

- Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

"Visualizing God is individualism and achievement of God is Universalism. To achieve God means to become God and this proof will not be borne by the seer but by the human race."

- Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

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God and Consciousness

by Dr Dipak Kumar Pramanik
(Kolkata,West Bengal,India)

"God is always eager to shower his grace on us. But our ‘Ego’ consciousness is always creating a barrier. When this ‘Ego’ consciousness will be eliminated he will manifest within ourselves. What happens in a dream? A man sleeps and then the ‘Ego’ consciousness does not exist and God manifests within him. Whatever you term then as God, Allah, Khoda, He will not be offended. Human beings have given him such nomenclature."

- Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

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Creation Quotation

by Dr Dipak Kumar Pramanik
(Kolkata, West Bengal, India)

"A man is the creator – he creates everything – all these deities. Nobody wants to keep a man like man. They will always try to drag down human being from his higher place and so they created different gods and goddesses. Seeing all these anomalies it seems that all these people have tried to displace man from his higher place to downwards."

- Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond

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