I just love inspirational books, so in partnership with Simple Truths I'm happy to present some of the best on offer. These books are designed as short gift books and can be read in 30 mins. But if your like me you'll find it hard to give them away.
Clicking on the clips below takes you to a short inspirational movie that gives you a glimpse of what's inside these inspirational gift books. Or you can just go straight to Simple Truths and have a look around.
*This one sits by my bedside. I like to wake up to an inspirational quote, yes even though I work with quotes everyday! Fantastic photographs and great quotes for everyday of the year from the legendary Zig Ziglar; this is my favourite. *Whether you have kids or not, this short inspirational movie will bring a tear to your eye. *Attitude really is everything. The founder of Simple Truths Mac Anderson brings us this great inspirational gift book about how our attitude can change lives. *A condensed version of Earl Nightingale's The Strangest Secret which when originally recorded went on to sell over 1 million copies. Earl was inspired by Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich. And worked in radio broadcasting for over 40 years. *One of my all time favourite quotes (from No.1 on the home page -"There are generations yet unborn whose very lives will be shifted and shaped by the moves you make and ...") is from this book. Here the author Andy Andrews tells us a fascinating story revealing how a life of permeant purpose can have far-reaching effects. |
212 - The extra degree, The Dash, and Attitude is Everything are all in Simple Truths Top 10 bestsellers list. Click here to go straight there.
Well, hope you enjoyed some of these short movies. Thanks for visiting this inspirational books page. I hope you are a little more inspired because of it and will share this page with your friends.
All the best and happy quote hunting.
- Will
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